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Friday, August 5, 2011

Super Smash Bros Brawl Boss Dissection: Ridley

Ridley is one of the many bosses you will encounter in Subspace, but he is far from being the hardest. He is content with relying on purely physical attacks, many of which are avoidable and many of which don't do much damage. When fighting Ridley, try to use characters that focus on high jumps and ariel attacks as Ridley will spend most of his time just floating about the place. 

Ridley has a few attacks at his disposal. One being a fast hitting, low damage maneuver where he scrapes the ground with his tail all the way across the stage. It's easy to jump over, but if you get caught in it, it is hard to escape from. Another move is his wing flap...yeah. He flaps his wings, creating a gust which forces people back. It only hurts you if you touch his wings, so attack from underneath him. Ridley can also fly off the stage and return attack in three different ways. 
1.) From the background to the foreground.
2.) From the top of the stage to the bottom
3.) Swiping across horizontally.
Other than that, Ridley doesn't have many other attacks. If you are reading this having never fought Ridley, then you don't have much to fret about. Relax and enjoy pwning him.


  1. I hear that they are pulling Ganondorf from the next Smash Bros

  2. well, seeing as the only characters tht you have to choose from for this fight are pikachu and power suit Samus, I reccomend Samus.

  3. thatssssssss a very epic profile pic you have there
