Lately, i havent really been making many posts... at all. And I am about to say why. The reason is simple. I haven't been doing a lot gaming lately, why is that? It is because lately, i have been reading. Yes, reading, a verb that not enough people use in a positive way. A lot of people say, or think 'reading is boring, gaming is better' and i do greatly enjoy gaming, but i still enjoy reading too. I think that the two of these activities should be able to co-exist far better than they do today. Most young people have condemned reading and will always think of it as something tiresome and copious. Ironically these people would probably never use these words, let alone know them, as reading, the very thing they avoid, is the easiest way to expand your vocabulary. School would mostly be to blame for the shunning of reading, as school does force it upon you, but the benefits of school outweigh the downsides. In my opinion reading and gaming should be able to co-exist, with people using their free time to do both. While it is a matter of opinion i think that the world would be a better place with people finding ways to express themselves without swearing constantly. While i completely support gaming, i do think that people shouldn't shun other things because of it. While this is a gaming blog I think it is important that people do realize what they are missing out on. Making a post like that was a weird experience, anyway it is out of my system so it will be back to normal posts from me.
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