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Hey everyone, 4EVER here, writing a message about the awesomeness of nintendo. From the Wii, to the 3DS, we at the 4EVER Nintendo blog just can't get enough!

Friday, May 6, 2011

The Wii's successor

The nintendo Wii has been out for a while now, and just recently Nintendo confirmed that it will have a successor. It's not surprising. The Wii doesn't seem to have any more stellar titles on the way, other than skyward sword and the price has dropped as well. But when I heard the new console was to be on the way, I panicked. I freaked. I basically went: NOOOO!!! There are still so many games I want to play on the system and now there won't be time! But then I heard the release date. April 2012 or later. I breathed a sigh of relief. There's more time than I thought. I still want to own the Metroid Prime Trilogy, finish Mario Galaxy 1 and get all the green stars in the second. I havn't even played Other M long enough to beat the first boss. Edge of Time will be released soon as well as the Skyward Sword and I havn't even picked up Ocarina of Time since defeating Phantom Ganon. 

And what will the Wii 2/ Project Cafe/ Stream bring to the mix? (note: all these name are ideas that have been flying around the web) Personally, I would like it to be backward compatible with Gamecube and Wii games, have improved motion control, but also have twin thumbsticks and be able to hold it like a classic controller, but have the option to turn it into a controller resembling a Wii-Mote. (Kinda like how you attach a Nunchuck to the Wii-Remote) Also, what are we getting? Smash Bros, HD Zelda? Nobody knows just yet, but April 2012 or later, BRING IT ON!


  1. That release date is way earlier than i thought it would be, i didn't know you had other m


  3. I don'y have other M. I's was goings to asks the Doctor if i's coulds borrows his. Sorry about your post. Check your E-Mail.

  4. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  5. Comment removed sadface, it wasn't offensive or anything, why did it have to die?
