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Hey everyone, 4EVER here, writing a message about the awesomeness of nintendo. From the Wii, to the 3DS, we at the 4EVER Nintendo blog just can't get enough!

Tuesday, June 28, 2011

Glitches need not happen

So go with me here: Online brawling about 30 minutes ago and out of nowhere, a glitch strikes. 
Basically, I went online with two friends of mine. One of whom is the Doctor, and the other is not. Before the Doc joined, I had a one-on-one match with my other friend. I managed to beat him as Sonic vs Wolf, but it turns out we left items on, so immediately after, I turned them off. This is when the Doctor joined. The next match we had I came second while my other friend came first. (Should of stuck with Sonic) 
Our next match was where the glitch happened. We were smashing each other about (me as Toon Link, Doctor as Lucario and my other friend was still Wolf) when a smash ball comes into play. 
"Who turned the Smash Balls on!?" I said aloud. (I bet it was Doctor)
In my next post I will dissect Smash Balls as a direct result of the outcomes of this match. Most of the smash balls that came along were grabbed by Wolf, helping him get rid of our stock. Luckily for us, he found it hard to control the Landmaster and fell off the stage almost every time he used it. Almost.
Near the end of the match, I grabbed the Smash Ball. Aimed it as Wolf and, as I was about to launch myself, he taunted me. He was screwed, I thought, so I fired away gleefully. And nothing happened. Nothing. He was unable to dodge, I was on the same level as him, so there was nothing standing in my way if pwning him. Except the glitch. I then went on to lose the match after getting blasted by the landmaster.


  1. I hate glitches more than campers in GoldenEye

  2. I hate glitches more than the lack of traction in New Super Mario Bros Wii.

  3. I hate glitches more than screencheaters

  4. I hate glitches more than Justin Bieber's haircut...
    well, maybe not that much...

  5. phew, I was scared for a second when i read that last comment 4ever.
    i think I may have accidentaly turned them on. Sorry

  6. both of you call a bit later today to organise Ugs 3!
