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Hey everyone, 4EVER here, writing a message about the awesomeness of nintendo. From the Wii, to the 3DS, we at the 4EVER Nintendo blog just can't get enough!

Tuesday, June 28, 2011

Super Smash Bros Brawl Character Dissection: Sonic

The Hedgehog from Sega at last made it into Brawl with much excitement. People were craving the little blue hedgehog for sometime until the game was released and the good news is, he's quite talented. 

He is, without any shadow of a doubt, the fastest character in the game. He can outrun virtually everybody and he also is quite gifted at jumping. Sonic's real strength lies in his ariel attacks and hit and run fighting style. Stay still and try to go toe to toe with an opponent for too long and he will get overpowered. Sonic is better of being used as a, strike quickly then dart back to safety character. He works quite well when there are items being used in the battle, if you use items at all. 

His standard "B" attack is the homing attack from many of his games. Tap the button as he will turn into a ball, charge up briefly and fly towards his opponent, dealing damage, but not landing with a great degree of accuracy. Side "B" sees him turning into the ball once more, doing a little hop in the direction he's facing and then shooting forward at great speeds along the ground. Up "B" magically creates a spring beneath him which bounces him up very, very high in the air. This, of course, is his recovery maneuver, If used in the air, then the spring will fall and disappear when it his the ground, but if used on the ground, the spring will stay beneath stationary for a little while, but then it will disappear. Others can use the spring as well. Down "B" is almost exactly the same as side "B" but instead of  the little hop, you have to charge up the move instead. Like side "B" you can make sonic jump as the ball while doing the move. 

Sonic is one of the my personal favourite characters in the game to use because of the great speed he possesses and the ariel attacks. I hope he makes an appearance in the next games as well.

Almost forgot about his final smash. He transforms into SUPA SONIC! Basically, in this form, you can fly about the stage and cause damage to anyone you touch. It does run out eventually, so be quick, but watch where you end up flying, because you may have some trouble getting back to the stage. When you see him flashing, head back to the stage.

4EVER out.

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